The Puritan and The Cavalier


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It has been observed that early Southern and Northern society had quite the cultural divide. This stems from the early settlers of the region--the North primarily settled by the Puritans, while the South settled from the Cavalier …

It has been observed that early Southern and Northern society had quite the cultural divide. This stems from the early settlers of the region--the North primarily settled by the Puritans, while the South settled from the Cavalier stock. This had an impact on all conflicts thereafter, including the American Revolution and the War for Southern Independence.

This little historical reprint sets the record straight. Much of our early histories were written from the Northern-Puritan perspective in order to persuade the reader to have a superior view of the Puritan, while denigrating the Cavalier stock. J. Clarence Stonebraker does this by presenting historical information to prove that Southerners were not the uneducated, backwards folk that we were led to believe.

This is a historical reprint from 1915, I would recommend this for more advanced readers.


J. Clarence Stonebraker
Paperback, booklet
Historical reprint, originally published in 1915

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