In and Out of the Lines: An Accurate Account of Incidents During the Occupation of Georgia


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The author, Frances Thomas Howard (1843-1907) lived most of her life in Georgia. Her family, close friends, and servants, who are described in this book, are thought to be the model on which Margaret Mitchell based several of her cha…
The author, Frances Thomas Howard (1843-1907) lived most of her life in Georgia. Her family, close friends, and servants, who are described in this book, are thought to be the model on which Margaret Mitchell based several of her character in her novel, Gone with the Wind. This true account ought to go down to future generations, so that in times to come the whole world may know, and particularly the people of the South may know, something of the sufferings of the Southern women in 1864-65, and something of the courage and devotion with which they did their part.


Francis Thomas Howard

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