Tom DeWeese, a resident of Virginia and native of Ohio. He’s been a candidate for the Ohio Legislature, served as editor of two newspapers, and has owned several businesses. He was listed in the “Outstanding Young Men of America in 1…
Tom DeWeese, a resident of Virginia and native of Ohio. He’s been a candidate for the Ohio Legislature, served as editor of two newspapers, and has owned several businesses. He was listed in the “Outstanding Young Men of America in 1981 and 1982 and was added to the National Registry of Who’s Who in 2000. In 1989 Tom led the only privately-funded election-observation team to the Panamanian elections. In 2006 Tom was invited to Cambridge University to debate the issue of the United Nations before the Cambridge Union, a 200 year old debating society.
From the author on Agenda 21: The Wrenching Transformation of America:
I outline the treaties, policy papers, and international meetings that have set the policy.
I show how those international policies directly enter local communities disguised as innocent-sounding development projects or historic preservation.
I reveal how those international plans are moving past Congress and directly into local communities through a network of self-proclaimed “stakeholders.”
I explain how the Supreme Court has helped them do it.
I expose how private organizations are able to take control of your community and enforce these policies without a vote or any input from you.
I also demonstrate how Agenda 21 is affecting you right now:
International policy is currently directing local communities to enforce cutbacks on water use by as much as 75%.
The Sierra Club’s plan forces 500 families to live on one acre of land and they deem it “Smart Growth.”
The new corporate law called “Benefit Corporations” enlists corporations to enforce sustainable development policies in their products and promotions. Nearly every state has now either passed or is considering this legislation.
I’m not only talking about radical environmental policy! There is so much more:
Do you think Obama’s healthcare policy is his brainchild? Of course not. In the manual, I show you its direct connection to sustainable development and the true purpose behind the planned destruction of America’s health care system.
Do our children receive poor educations because there is not enough money and teachers in the classrooms? I will show you that the dumbing down of American children is intentional and that the schools are operating for what they have been “reformed” to do. It is called “Common Core.”
But wait, there’s still more…I will show you how global warming is the greatest hoax ever played on man and I’ll show you why the Sustainablists cannot drop this discredited issue for fear of losing all of their demands for Agenda 21 policy. I will show you some of the victims of these tyrannical policies and how they have been robbed of their property and livelihood simply because a government has too much power. Most importantly, to complete this manual, I have included special reports from a team of experts, including former Senate Environment Committee staffer Marc Morano, one of the world’s top experts on the global warming hoax; the late Henry Lamb, the man who first exposed the UN’s global governance agenda; Mike Coffman and Michael Chapman, two of the nation’s leading experts on sustainable development and the international treaties and policies that are changing our nation; Author Wynne Coleman, one of the nation’s leading experts on Benefit Corporations; Joan Swirsky and Dr. Karen Effrem, two of the nation’s leading experts on Common Core; and the late Dr. Madeleine Cosman, a pioneer in exposing the destruction of our nation’s once-great health care system by connecting the dots to Agenda 21.
Of course there are lots of newsletters, blogs, and web sites out there with “insider” information. However, I have seen most of them and I know for a fact that many are missing the big picture! They will tell you about federal policies, taxes, bailouts, corrupt politicians, secret deals, and lots of stuff that–while it may be important–fails to connect the dots to the real root of the problem.
Other “experts” are missing the core threat: it is not discussed in the media, at many TEA party rallies or in national conferences, and certainly not in Congress or other levels of government.
- Author
- Main contributor: Tom DeWeese
- Pages
- 132
- Cover
- Paperback
- Details
- Produced by the American Policy Center