Sumner A. Cunningham Bookmark


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Front: July 21, 1843 – December 20, 1913 Founder & Editor Confederate Veteran Magazine. Published monthly in the interest of Confederate associations and kindred topics. Volume I Number I – January 1893, Volume XL Number 12 – De…
Front: July 21, 1843 – December 20, 1913 Founder & Editor Confederate Veteran Magazine. Published monthly in the interest of Confederate associations and kindred topics. Volume I Number I – January 1893, Volume XL Number 12 – December 1932 Back: Sumner Archibald Cunningham was a native of Bedford County, Tenn. Born of humble parents his father died when he was but a lad. He received what education country schools afforded and his Bible study from his beloved mother. He enlisted into Confederate service as a private in Co. B, 41st Tennessee Regiment on November 4, 1861. He served as a soldier, POW and soldier again, acquitting himself honorably. After the war he became a reporter and newspaper editor and publisher, from New York to Nashville; always espousing Confederate causes. it was in Nashville that he began the Confederate Veteran Magazine. James H. McNeilly, D.D. said of him, “He was a soldier without fear or cruelty; a citizen loyal to his country; in his business the soul of honor; a friend faithful and true; a Christian humble and sincere.”

Product Details

6.25'' x 2.5''
Laminated heavy cardstock paper
Made in Virginia!

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