Christmas in the Confederacy, booklet


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Welcome to an eclectic presentation of Christmas in the Confederate States of America. Yes, consider how the birth of Gods Son into this world was acknowledged during those dark days of war. the Prince of Peace was remembered in the …
Welcome to an eclectic presentation of Christmas in the Confederate States of America. Yes, consider how the birth of Gods Son into this world was acknowledged during those dark days of war. the Prince of Peace was remembered in the onslaughts of an invasion. The opened essay was written to give an overview of the Christmases during the Confederate era. Some of the following chapters have been randomly selected from Southern literature of the past. The material is retrieved as a reminder of the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ just before and during the life of the Confederacy, when the South was so bitterly attacked by the North for the purpose of destroying her liberty and property. Some of the material has been freshly written or specifically collect from original sources in order to give a historical sampling of what those celebrations in the Confederate South. In this book is the presentation of the prose and poetry of the era. This book is presented to provide the reader with pertinent information regarding the last Christian nation in this hemisphere called the Confederate States of America.


Compilation of Authors
Paperback, booklet

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