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The Eternal South

Portrait of Sanguis Memoria

by Sanguis Memoria

What is to be said of the War Between The States that hasn’t already been said? So many of the triumphs and tragedies of our fathers are forever burned upon our hearts, filling us in a way that only the children of the South could understand. Perhaps the greatest of these triumphs was the confirmation of southern culture as beautifully unique and preeminently noble among all of the world, and the greatest tragedy, the longing for a future that could have been. Yet, in spite of the tragedy that we have lived with— bearing it hand-in-hand with our fathers—that the beautiful triumph becomes explicitly manifest.


I don’t have to say this. Once again, it is something that has already been said by far greater men than I. However, it bears repeating. The greatest triumph of the armies of The Confederate States was not First Manassas, nor The Seven Days Battles, nor even Chancellorsville. The greatest triumph of the armies of the South was the affirmation of the unique southern culture. Although the differences between South and North were obvious before the first shots rang out, there was a decidedly permanent divide that appeared between the two regions, or better put, two nations in 1861. It was for our place, our culture, our people, and our faith that the sons of the South would shed their blood in the crusade against tyranny.


You would be forgiven for assuming that with the end of the war, the cultures established would go on independently ad infinitum, being neighbors amicable enough. Yet the dream of a separated, albeit friendly future with our former enemies has been destroyed beyond the hope of repair. You see, the northerners of the past respected their adversary enough to realize that she was a unique being, and respected the South and her nature enough to leave her be, existing where she was in peace after the smoke settled. If only that could have been the end of the story.


As the years went on, the tyrannical spirit that first animated the imperialist Lincoln to send federal troops south would embolden a new breed of Yankee or a neo-Yankee if you will, to wage another kind of war on the innocents of Dixie. This war would not merely be waged with guns, but with foreign ideologies adopted in the halls of Federal power. Throughout the 1900s, Marxist-Communist ideologies began to take root in the United States, although initially only with a limited reach. However, unchecked this ideology grew more potent and ubiquitous. It was not until the aftermath of World War II that American heroes like Joe McCarthy and others in positions of authority began to recognize and act on the threat that these subversive movements posed to America. McCarthy and his team were able to charge many Communists, giving America a much needed respite from the cancer growing within its borders. Alas, they were not able to dismantle these demonic sentiments completely.


It was the unfinished work of McCarthy that would be the future bane of America and ultimately the South. The last bastion of this Liberal-Marxist ideology was the university campus. Marxist groups within colleges began to co-opt traditional American Liberal rhetoric and began to poison the very foundations of the American republic, and how it was perceived.


It was the Ivy-league schools of New England and California where this new breed of American-Marxism would fester, and where the new breed of neo-Yankee would be trained. Taught to hate themselves, their Christian faith, their heritage, their people; they lost touch with their identity, another victim of the godless deracination that follows after the materialism of the Marxist. Once these poor souls accepted their imaginary sins against the conquered minorities within their borders, they began to hate themselves for their alleged immorality against them. No longer would New England be proud of its Christian foundations or revolutionary heritage, or California its history of manifest destiny. No, from now on these once proud peoples would be deconstructing their identities for the sake of some imaginary sin that their ancestors committed, on the grounds that some conquered group was offended by their existence. Doing what they could to atone in the eyes of the multicultural-Marxist hordes that they replaced their God with. This went on for some time while the South remained in isolation, but it was only a matter of time before their wicked gaze turned to Ol’ Dixie. As the great southern novelist Margret Mitchell once said, “Here in the United States, the Communists are bending all efforts to smearing the South and Southerners, because they know that we are one of the strongholds of Conservatism and are likely to resist Communism more fiercely than the large industrial sections of the North and the Middlewest.”


It was in the 1960s that the Marxists came into their own, infiltrating government and academia nationwide. It was at this point the neo-Yankee government began the campaign against southern culture and southern Christianity that they still wage to this day. I am sure you are wondering, “Why does he need to rehash this history, so much of it is obvious.” I understand that, but it is not the war we are engaged in that is so remarkable as to consume my time in writing these words. Frankly, my words are unnecessary to explain the why and the how of our present circumstance as southerners, anyone who has been paying attention to the present time is well aware of the hate we have received. The remarkable thing is, that the culture that our fathers in gray fought so hard to save has endured, in spite of the strongest, wealthiest, and most deceptive government on the planet doing everything they can to destroy the identity, homogeneity, culture, and Christian faith of the American South. The fire that was lit in the hearts of our forebears marching under the Southern Cross has been maintained, held as a sacred truth of being, passed from one generation to the next.


The question we are faced with as the current sons of the South is this: What are we willing to do to maintain the gift that our fathers gave to us? Our ancestors were willing to die under a hail of musket fire, bombardment from cannon, and the saber of the cavalry for what we are so willing to see taken from us. I understand we can’t charge the construction equipment with guns drawn when a left-wing activist group convinces the local government to destroy a priceless piece of history. However, we can call the state and tell them what we think of their foolishness and dishonorable actions, we can share the stories that we have heard about our fathers who fought and died for their sons to have a better future, we can support groups that are dedicated to preserving real history, we can safeguard the legacy of men like Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet. There is much that is within our power to do, if only we make the continuity of our heritage a priority in our everyday lives.


But let your heart be encouraged. Don’t give up. Never surrender. We did that once in good faith and were betrayed by the very same people who are trying to finish us off now. We need not fear, we were quite literally born to continue the legacy of the Confederate heroes as we are the new generation of the South. Many of us carry the same blood in their veins as the heroes of old, and many others of us who are Confederates in spirit, banding together to ensure that the unique beauty of the South will endure eternally.

Deo Vindice, brothers.

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