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Portrait of Rexford D. Miller

by Rexford D. Miller

  The title of this essay is the psychological tactic employed by the Marxist bankers who wield control over populations through fear and systematic repetition. That tactic has caused the French Revolution, American Civil War, the Spanish American War, World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, The War on Terror, and every other incursion into the business of sovereign nations and cultures around the world. It has cost taxpayers unfathomable wealth and the loss of millions and millions of soldiers -- as well as millions and millions of civilians. All the while, the point of the exercise was the control of the populace and acquisition of land and resources, wealth and power.


  Human nature being what it is, one becomes angry when others spread lies about you; and if they don’t retract those lies after you’ve sincerely asked, you seek a duel of sorts to settle the matter. Since we live in a fallen world whose system is evil, people naturally react in that fashion.


  Once the Yankee slavers, bankers and industrialists realized that African slaves were not suited for New England manufacturing or climate, they sold their slaves then passed laws to keep them out of their boundaries. It was concluded that the Irish population and English urban poor could be transported to New England and hired cheaper than the maintenance cost of an African slave.


  New England factory workers labored 12 hours or more a day, seven days a week. Southern plantation slaves were assigned tasks based upon their skills and worked until that daily task was complete -- considerably less than 12 hours -- and they had Sundays off. New England factory workers had to purchase shelter, food, clothing and medical care -- all of which was provided to Southern slaves. Southern slaves also had use of land to grow crops for sale and the use of tools to make products to sell. Northern labor slaves had neither.


  Soon Yankee Globalists cast their sights upon the wealth of the Southern States, which were populated by people who did not share their world view, an educated people who revered their independence and the rule of law. First they created the “problem of slavery” by hiring and financing abolitionists to sow horrible tales of Southern Slave conditions and treatment (these people always ascribe crimes to others for which they are guilty). Over the course of time, the Southern people became incensed over the multitude of lies being spoken about them, but try as they may the scandalous statements persisted. Compounding the tension was the possible political disposition of new states which held the potential of turning the US Congress into either pro Yankee or pro South. Since the South paid 80% of the Federal budget expenditures and received only 20% largess in return, it became obvious that the Yankees were engaged in legislative robbery. Therefore new states needed to be populated by Southerners in order for the South to survive.


  Who would occupy the White House after the 1860 election became a critical issue to both sides. The winner of that contest was an illegitimate boy from North Carolina who settled in Illinois and became a lawyer.

He grew modestly wealthy serving the New England Railroad interests and owned a German language newspaper in Chicago. His name did not appear on 11 states for the election yet he won and became the 16th United States President. Before his inauguration, Federal agents under his guidance laid the groundwork for the South to fire upon either Fort Pickens in Florida or Fort Moultrie in South Carolina – though ultimately it defaulted to Fort Sumter. To learn more about Abraham Lincoln's illegitimate birth please get a copy of Rebirthing Lincoln: A Biography.


  We have identified the problem: Yankee lust for what the South possessed. The reaction in the South was righteous indignation and anger. The solution, as we know, was total war, which resulted in the total destruction of the South’s Army, State governments, wealth, Institutions, and culture. Virginia’s final payment to the Federal Government for its Civil War debt was made in 1972.


  Patriotic circles today call these people the Deep State as their tentacles have enveloped and talons have gripped every government, agency, and institution in this country down to the local level -- including popular culture. They have practically succeeded in destroying America. This process has proceeded almost unhindered since the theft of our Constitution in 1871. In the South we continue to refer to them as Yankees because of their greed, lust, ability to lie convincingly, and shameless arrogance. Not everyone in the North shares those traits but descent folk who happen to be from North of the Mason Dixon are led to believe that they are Yankees when they are not.


  Our highly esteemed historians may be very knowledgeable -- and even likeable -- but they will not deviate from the predetermined and prescribed conclusions: tenure and undisclosed benefits are at stake. The same is true for those who gather and disseminate what is referred to as “news.” The Yankee or Deep State’s greatest asset with regard to control is fear and cognitive dissonance; generate fear, anger and confusion and you generate control.


  False flag events are events which occur for the purpose of creating a certain reaction from the population. When powerful people wanted gun control, this country endured multiple school shootings in an attempt to sway public opinion. I imagine the first notable false flag was John Brown’s raid. He was financed by wealthy New England abolitionists, managed to kill people who were not slave owners, and his first murder in Harpers Ferry, Virginia was a black man. His efforts galvanized both sides.

The next false flag was causing the Charleston, South Carolina artillery to fire on Fort Sumter. Consider this: Forts Moultrie and Sumter were built to protect Charleston Harbor from British revenue cutters and Sumter was the larger of the two. The Federal lease had expired years before, reverting Sumter back to South Carolina. When Major Anderson spiked the guns at Moultrie and under the cover of darkness December 26, 1860, took possession of Sumter, he was invading property of a Sovereign State. South Carolina did not protest, after all they were all Americans. Knowing that Federal supply ships had not been forthcoming, the citizens of Charleston carried food for months to the fort while believing ongoing negotiations would peacefully settle the matter. The arrival of a flotilla of 11 warships on April 11, 1861, laden with 285 guns and 2,400 troops, demonstrated that Washington had lied. Artillery fire on the fort prevented the flotilla from entering the harbor, but it did accomplish the desired reaction. Washington and their willing press proclaimed that the evil South had fired upon the flag. Men and boys from all over the North rushed to enlist in defense of their country, thus establishing the desired solution.


  Their big false flag caper worked quite well. Thus, the men who comprised the Sovereign State Volunteer Regiments that became the Army of the Confederate States of America -- who fought for Constitutional Law and sovereignty -- have rightly enabled us to claim: “Fighting the deep state since 1861.” Yankee lies about Southerners have never abated, which means there is something threatening about us that they fear to this day. That fear is well founded, as most Southerners are fiercely independent and adhere to a firm belief in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ -- which is odious to the gender confused, baby killing, and selfish excuse for human beings who presume to know what’s best for us. It has been said that the South wears two belts, the Bible belt and the Ammo belt. That is so true since most Southerners own Bibles and firearms and are proficient in the use of both.


  A lot of folks today are talking about freedom and liberty; which is a good thing. However, all need to be aware that liberty’s greatest burden is the freedom to choose between good and evil. 

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